Thursday, October 25, 2012

Beautiful Me.

 So, I don't want to brag... But I'm rather Gorgeous! :) LOL! Seriously though. I had a very hard time with the idea for a rather long time. The thought that I might actually have some kind of Beauty was so ludicrous to me... And it was affecting the way I saw my self. I am still, even now, working on that.  I know now that my view of myself has the power to form the view others have of me. So, I have  a group of pictures prepared for you all, to share the idea that I, and you, can be Beautiful!

This is my Junior, and only, Prom picture. I had quite a bit of fun getting ready for this dance... In fact, it was more fun getting ready than going to the dance! :) My mom took me shopping for my dress, jewelery and makeup, helped me alter my dress a bit (added sleeves;), and my aunt helped me with my hair and makeup. I had a Ball! :) Makes me wonder, actually, if Cinderella enjoyed the Ball as much as she enjoyed being made over by her Fairy God Mother! :) Anyway, can you believe it. I didn't believe I was pretty. I didn't think it was even possible. You be the judge.
I rather like this picture. Completely candid, I have no idea a picture is being taken. And I look pretty great!
This is me and my brother in the jacket my father hated. I loved it. It was comfortable! :) And I think I look pretty good! Isn't it crazy how we women can do that? We aren't even trying, and we end up looking great!
I used to HATE this picture! I felt like I looked fat, had flat hair, and just looked dumb. My mom put it on her blog as her picture of me and I couldn't understand why. Now, I rather love this picture! I think I look good! :) The difference? What changed my mind? Its my confidence level I think. I have stopped allowing myself to put myself down... and started believing I'm pretty. I ALLOWED myself to believe!
This is a picture of me with my Best Friend from High School. I was so mad at her for not deleting this picture. Now, I'm so very thankful she didn't. I actually love this picture. Now that I'm  not critiquing it like I'm supposed to look like a model. Now that I look for the good in the picture. I can see the Beauty there.
This is me the first day of my Senior year of High School with my brother. I'm rather fond of this picture. Mostly because it shows my sense of style. And I rather love that hair cut! :) But I hated it then! It was such a pain! LOL!
THIS was a picture taken during a pioneer trek a few years ago where we dressed up like pioneers, put everything we needed for the week in a small bucket and then into the back of a hand cart, and proceeded to walk and push those handcarts for 13 miles! Sleeping in tents the whole way. Yeah. And they decided to take PICTURES! I was NOT pleased to say the least. And now I look at this picture. And I'm rather fond of it actually. I feel like I look pretty. :)
Now, this picture was taken during Young Women's Camp. Again, Pictures? Really? Anyway, I still think I look pretty good!
This is a picture of me when I was leaving our driveway with 2,000 books to send off to Africa. I really like this picture as well. And of course I'm Barefoot with duct tape on my wrist like a bracelet. But I feel like this is a great picture reflecting my more "let's get it done" characteristics. Which is a big part of me.
In this picture, I don't really think I look my best. But I am so happy with having finally been accepted into my goal club that I still feel I am Beautiful. Even if I'm not fond of this picture. And its okay. I am not trying to tell you to love every picture you ever take of yourself. That's just silly. But love you!
My Mom, Dad, and Me. I love them so much! And I love this picture too.

I am rather fond of that dress! And I love this picture, I feel like I look like my mom. :)
This was this April actually. And I love it!
My Dad and I on my Graduation Night. I love him so much! And I feel like you can see that here. As well as his love for me. I am Proud of this picture.
This picture has been a horror to me for many years. My mother finds it only too funny. She used to tell me it looked silly to have a huge curl in my face, but I just didn't listen. Which seems to be the story of my life when it comes to fashion. All the way back to when I first started walking and my mom would put those ruffly socks on me and fold them down the way they were supposed to be worn... And I would pull them up half way up my leg. She'd fold 'em back down and I'd pull 'em back up... And so began my obstinate life story. :) But this is me. And I am Beautiful even here. It shows who I am. And I love that.
My more quirky nature... :)
These are my Senior Pictures. Taken by my Aunt Theresa after my Aunt Sandy helped my with my make up and jewelery, my Aunt Theresa did my hair, and my Mom came along to make it an incredible girls day out!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Quote of the Week:


"Let the Beauty we love... Be what we do." What does this mean? The Beauty we love. What we do. Are they the same? Do we wear the things we have always wanted too? Or do we let the world tell us that our bodies aren't right for that particular style? Do we have the characters we admire? Or do we let the world get in the way once again? This picture is a strong testament of this idea. When I first ran across this picture on Pinterest (One of the GREATEST web sites EVER by the way) I was appalled! This woman is Beautiful. I thought that was rather apparent. Yet beneath the picture was a debate lasting for ages... On whether she was beautiful or not, saying that men preferred "a woman they could hold on to", and the 'smaller' women began to be offended saying that even they were persecuted because they were too small. In what kind of messed up world is it okay for women to feel bad if their big, small or average? We can't win. No matter what, there will ALWAYS... let me repeat that: ALWAYS... one more time now: ALWAYS have someone somewhere telling us that we aren't good enough in some way. Whether it be our peers, the media, the devil, or ourselves. HOWEVER. I have come across the perfect solution. The end to our suffering. The antidote to the disease that has hovered over humankind since the day Eve covered herself in leaves... STOP IT! Did you hear me? Let me repeat myself. STOP IT!!!!!! A great man by the name of Dieter F. Uchtdorf said this. And so I repeat it once again... STOP IT! God made you the way you are. STOP comparing yourself to others. STOP putting yourself down. STOP listening to others' opinions. STOP dreaming of a far off someday when you will love your body. "BE HAPPY NOW"... (also an Uchtdorf quote:) STOP IT! Let the Beauty we love be what we do. Let yourself be happy. Let yourself be beautiful. Don't deny your own Beauty. You have a unique and incredible look all your own. How dare you not believe that? God made you in his image. You are his child. HIS! He loves you, and so do I. And he commanded you to "love your neighbor AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF"! That means you HAVE to love yourself too! So, Stop it, And start loving your Beauty!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Contract

So here it is... The crazy contract we have made... And will keep... To find and hold on to Beautiful. And to our Fairy Tale.
Our Purpose:
             (Our reasoning behind our "mad" endeavor)
We, the sisters Alford, are tired of being Damsels in distress. We, as women and as daughters of God, have decided we have had enough. Enough waiting around for Prince Charming. Enough dependence upon non-existent fairy god-mothers. Enough of the world's idea of how our fairy tale should go. No more shall we blindly look into the magic mirror and see ourselves as lacking. Noe is the time to break down the walls, slay the dragons, and be our own heroes! Be our own fairy god-mothers. We hereby dub ourselves as our own knights in shining armor. We hereby decree that we will do all in our power: to be honest with each other at all times, to help each other fight the upcoming battles, to support one another through whatever decisions we make, to follow the codes of honor we set as stone in this Cinderella Pact, and most of all, do all in our combined and individual power to become the best we can possibly be each and every day. WE will treat each new day as a clean and unblemished page in our story book. We weill seek after righteousness as well as physical, mental, spiritual, emotional (and any other -al in the dictionary:) health and beauty. So we declare, by the power vested in us by God Himself when he commanded us, "Be ye perfect, even as I am perfect."

Our Definition of Beauty:
         (Because the world has altered and distorted our view so badly, we must remind ourselves of its true meaning)
         Beauty is more than a physical appeal. Beauty means pure. Beauty means love. Beauty means confidence. Women, from the very beginning of time, have searched after this very thing. God himself has built us as women with the desire, no... the 'righteous' desire, to be Beautiful. The devil has distorted taht desire into a convaluted mess, into the idea of air brushed super-models and "sexy". He would have us believe that Beauty is to be sexually appealling... That we have to lower our standards in order to fit the mold created by the world. When in truth, it is just exactly  the opposite. God designed us in such a way taht we have the desire to create... We have special individual souls... All which add life and light and laughter to a world which is other-wise dismal and dim in comparison. Think about it, God created us (women) last... We were the crowning glory of this world. We are here to achieve a special purpose... And who are we to deny that? Beauty is not Sex. Beauty is Us. Every individual part of woman. So don't be afraid to be Beautiful. Beacause you can't escape it. Even as you rate yourself by others standards... You have a certain shine about you. You might as well embrace it, and make the most of your calling. You are Beautiful. So. Our definition of Beautiful goes like this: Beautiful-You:
You ARE Beautiful.

Our Individual Reasons:
Alecia-I dream of having children and a husband some day. One day, when I look into my daughter's eyes, I want to know that I have done my best to earn the look of admiration I hope to find there. I want to have a Self Confidence that I do not, as of yet, possess. And I want to be capable of encouraging others to do the same. I am tired of feeling sorry for myself. I am sick of allowing the world to influence the reflection I see in the mirror. I want to beat this feeling of hopelessness... This feeling that I am not good enough. And, if I can influence or encourage another woman out there to do the same, my life will perhaps have meant something special.
Kady- For so long I have been listening to others. But what I want to accomplish with this is to look in the mirror and know for myself that I am Beautiful.For myself not someone else.
Krystal- I want to go shopping and not feel Fat. I want to have a confidence boost so I can have fun shopping!!!!!! And so I can feel good inside about myself!!!! :)

The Do's:
This Blog-to record the process and hopefully to help others too:
Individual Diets (with some form of record keeping)-to find a healthy weight for our own personal body types:
Exercise-(also individualised for better results)
Weekly Challenges-goals for the week, decided in our weekly meetings:
Our End Goal-Sort of like a prize at the end of a race, this is our reward and our motivation to continue on.
Weekly Meetings-These will not only be for a review of our week, but to decide the next weekly challenges, and for us to encourage each other and get closer as sisters:
Monthly Focus-each month we will do something fun for the focus of the month. In doing so, we will focus on one of us and do something specifically helpful for that person.
Letters-these are a form of random encouragement that can be handed out by anyone at anytime:
Young Women's Medallions-this is a church oriented project for the teenage girls, and as I have already completed mine, I will be helping Kady and Krystal to complete theirs:

The Don'ts:
No closed minds or "CAN'TS"
Acceptance is required (as in no judgement from any party)
No cheating or stashing
No lying to each other... or ourselves

Other Facts:
Time-One year September 16, 2012-September 16, 2013
Inspiration-Cinderella Pact the movie
Meetings-Every Sunday
    Alecia- lose 40 pounds. Fit into old red dress. Confidence. Skinny jeans. Love my body. Run up stairs with out any problems.
    Kady- lose 20 pounds. Bikini. Abs. Run a mile in 3-4 minutes. 200 sit ups in 2 minutes. Choreograph a dance.
    Krystal- lose 25 pounds. Gorgeous Green and Brown dress. Confidence. Be able to run. Be able to wear dresses with out any emotional issues.